WTB: Red Signs/Inlays

I’m looking for the red plastic inlays of the OUYA boxes, saying “Thank you for believing.” and “And so starts the revolution.”

Anyone has them left and doesn’t need them anymore?

I think I do. I’ll have to check my box. Give me the weekend and I’ll let you know.

That would be cool! Thanks!

Sorry man I’ve been super busy and it won’t slowdown till after Christmas

So I found this thread again… did you have the the time to look for it?

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Soooo… it’s christmas very soon :wink:

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Funny enough I just opened up my box and found my inlay. Pictures attached. Its got a but of a curve on the left, and a slight crink on the right.

Ah cool :slight_smile: I want it!

And what would be your price idea?

Honestly, just cover shipping.

DM me on discord?

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K, sent. Pinged you on Discord

Look what I just came across. A Kickstarter unit with the name engraved and…

It’s not in the best shape, but it’s flat and it’s different than what you got from me last time :wink:

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Well then… It’s mine! :slight_smile:

Yeah I’ll try and get it sent out to you in the next few weeks. Same price / address?

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You want that manual too?

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Yes, same same :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. Don’t need the manual, better keep it in the box!

I haven’t forgotten about you. I got a quote the other day, but need to buy an envelope to ship.

I’ll keep you posted @Retroluzzer

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Hey @Retroluzzer I literally finally have some free time.

It’s on the way @Retroluzzer

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Hey, thank you! Already forgot about this… so much things Happening around here, had almost no time for gaming.
Will let you know when it’s here! Thanks again!

Hey @Retroluzzer, did you get my inlay?

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