GameJam 2019 is a go


You can now directly install and play GameJam 2019 games through your OUYA’s discover store! To do so, you must use the community server that the bypass tutorial connects you to ( Open the Discover store and see submissions appear in the GameJam row as they come in. From the 16th-20th, you’ll be able to vote on the best games from the Jam.


You can now upload your creations to our developer portal: You’ll need to create an account and I or another admin will need to approve the app before it appears on the Discover store.

More details:

Our GameJam2019 is wrapping up Monday at noon US central time (UTC-5). At that time, voting will open on here as well as on the GameJam site. You must submit your game before that time if you want to have the full 4 days of voting. Though, late submissions will get added as they come in.

Voting will consist of 5 categories for each game: Gameplay, Graphics, Sound, Story, and Performance. You will be able to rate as many or few games as you want and as many or few categories per game. After the 20th when the best games have received their recognition and awards, the developer portal will still be open for new games and new releases of games.

We have been hard at work preparing a way for the OUYA community to not only exist, but thrive. Its not often that a dead console is still so usable!

Thank you for believing.