How to bypass account login/firmware update page

This. :slight_smile: Iā€™ll update the guide on this end too.

Does anyone have a screen shot or video of how to do this? Iā€™m pretty technologically illiterateā€¦ :neutral_face:

  1. On your PC, run adb shell
  2. Type su to become the root user
  3. Make the system partition writable:
    mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP
  4. Open the hosts file:
    vi /system/etc/hosts
  5. Press the ā€œdown arrowā€ key until your are at the end
  6. Press i to get into ā€œinsert modeā€
  7. paste/write that line:
  8. Press return to add a final newline
  9. Press escape
  10. Type :wq (commmand, write, quit)
  11. Press return to exit the vi editor

Iā€™m unable to create a video, but Iā€™ll write out the steps one by one for you.

Install ADB ( All you need to do is download the file.

Find the file and extract it into a safe area on your PC. Then click into the folder.

copy the folder directory with ctrl + C (you do this by clicking on the folder structure in windows explorer)

type ā€œCMDā€ into your windows search box

in command prompt, type ā€œcdā€ and a space and paste in your file directory. Then press enter

at this point make sure your ouya is powered up and connected to your PC via a micro usb cable.

type in the command prompt ā€œadb devicesā€ to check if the ouya has been recognised. If the ouya is recognised, itā€™ll say ā€œdeviceā€ with a string of characters. If this comes back, type in these commands one by one and press enter after each command.

adb shell


mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP

echo ā€œ45.79.49.220 devs.ouya.tvā€ >> /etc/hosts

echo ā€œ45.79.49.220 status.ouya.tvā€ >> /etc/hosts

After this type ā€œexitā€ three times

YOUā€™RE ALL DONE! :smiley:

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Thanks a lot, Iā€™ll try this out!

How do I get it to recognize the OUYA?

All you need to do is plug a micro USB into the ouya, and the other end needs to be plugged into the computer. You should then have a pop-up in your explorer saying OUYA or MTP device :slight_smile:

Yes, I was able to get it to recognize it in adb devices, though Iā€™m still trying to get it working again.

So the idea is if I type in those commands Iā€™ll be able to access to the OUYA again, bypassing the network screen? Iā€™m sorry for all these simple silly questions.

Do I need to alter DNS settings using the method youā€™ve shown me?

Yes, all you need to do is follow the instructions i gave you :slight_smile: After that you can enjoy your ouya. What it does is it forces the Ouya to point in the direction of the new servers, making it possible to use the new store!

So do I need to login to the router to change the DNS settings in addition to your instructions?

I believe I correctly inputted the commands and did as you said, but nothing changed from what I can tell. :thinking:

You shouldnā€™t need to change your DNS settings, no

Okay, sorry for the barrage of questions. I deleted the original OUYA config.server json file in the OUYA and replaced it with the OUYA config properties file. Could this be having some effect? Do I need to have the original file on the system in order for your method to work?

Nope. If you follow the steps I gave you correctly it should be working spot on. I would follow my steps again, and if that doesnā€™t work, it might be worth checking you have the newest firmware.

Okay, Iā€™ll follow them again. Where do I check about the firmware?

Donā€™t worry about that until youā€™ve run through my tutorial again :wink:

Iā€™ve run through the tutorial again, still nothing. :confused:

Can you hop in discord and we can help you live? Would be easier than doing it in forum posts.

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Just wanted to say thank you! This method worked for me.

This is actually the 2nd time my Ouya got stuck at the newtork screen. Months ago I fixed it by just replacing the config file, so Iā€™m hoping this is more of a permanent fix.

Iā€™m also happy to have the ā€œDiscoverā€ section in working order again! How was that restored? Iā€™m far behind on whatā€™s been happening to the Ouya lately, so please excuse my naivety. Does this mean people can submit new games and purchase them?