@wallmasterr Pretty sure Unity 2019.2.2 is what you’d shoot for.
Development for OUYA isn’t too bad these days. Check out our Game Jam history (scroll down for links to past Jams) and see what the dev scene has been like since 2019.
Speaking of which, we might be having a Jam at the end of February if you have something that you want to port, it’d be a good fit for an entry.
[This forum doesn’t really get much traffic since our Discord server exists, that’s where 98% of OUYA discussion is these days. OUYA.world is basically a repo or archive and fall back if/when Discord is ever down, so hop on there if you want to get some active chat going.]
I am intrigued by the game with the kid walking around the house with the artwork, is there a more current version of that? I’d like to take a look at it. Would have been a cool OUYA game, back in the day, from the looks of it.