Couple of pointers from someone who has recently made an Ouya game in Unity:
Do not use the Ouya ODK. It’s not worth the effort to get it working properly.
Follow my tutorial on setting up the AndroidManifest for Ouya (Unity - Setting Up The AndroidManifest.xml For Discover Store)
You’re probably better off using Unity 5.4.1 (That’s what I’m using and it was the release around the time of the Ouya)
You’ll want to set the minimum API level at 16 (Android 4.1)
Default orientation should be landscape left and obviously set your bundle identifier and stuff.
Tegra 3 is awful for shaders! Dynamic lighting won’t be possible.
To set up controller support, see here: Unity InputManager Ouya config
I’ll give you some more pointers once I’m home
Just remember, DO NOT use the ODK. It’ll take hours and hours to set up and it isn’t required anymore.