How to bypass account login/firmware update page

help it doesnt work still, ive tryied your walkthrough and seen other videos it still doesnt wanna connect

Check out the chat I sent you. I think that if you can’t get it working using ethernet and a couple more reboots, you’ll have to flash it to the latest firmware. Alternatively, we could try out another way of auto-upgrading your firmware, but you’d have to wait a week or so for me to even be ready to test it out.

@szeraax Couldn’t people just use a thumbdrive to copy the file onto and then use filepwn or es file explorer, etc, to copy the file to their OUYA’s internal storage?

Thus negating the need to connect the OUYA direct to PC.

Nope. They can’t get past the login screen. :slight_smile:

Ohhhhh right. I didn’t put that together. I’ve been sick as a dog the past week, my brain is mashed potatoes. :face_with_thermometer:

Warning: Changing the DNS server does not work! The correct solution is the /etc/hosts update some posts below.

If you have a factory reset OUYA the config file is not enough, because OUYA’s setup seemingly does not use the configuration file. You will be stuck at the “network selection” screen.

The solution is to override DNS entries for and

  1. Access your internet router’s web interface

  2. Change the DNS server to

    Alternatively, add manual hostname mappings:
  3. Finish the OUYA setup

  4. Change your router’s DNS server back to the original value

I changed my DNS on my router (fritzbox) but I keep getting stuck at the network selection with the same error message. I installed the latest firmware as offered by S-config.

I don’t understand what you mean in step 2. I don’t find this option in my router to set hostname mappings.

Probably I should use your

Instead of the one from OP:

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After modifying the DNS server in your router, you need to reboot the OUYA (or switch to static IP and then back to DHCP, but rebooting is faster).

Overriding single Hostname-IP-Mappings is not possible with a FritzBox.

I don’t know what I do wrong. I rebooted my ouya already 20 times even with pulling the plug.
In my fritzbox i did set the ipv4 DNS to Still the no network error. But I see on the ouya the DNS is still the internal fritzbox dns, so I set this one also to Now on the ouya I see this DNS but it doesn’t work. What should I do? Set the network connection on the ouya to a static ip and give it this DNS?

First check it if works on your computer by running “ping” and “ping” on the command line. It should show the IP If not, then your router does not have the new DNS server.

You can try to change the DNS server on the ouya itself, but I do not think that it will work. First keep the network connection on DHCP, note down the ethernet adapter settings (ip, netmask, router) and then switch to static, enter the previous settings and change the DNS server. But that did not work here, so I do not think that it will for you.

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I can perfectly ping to and but the ouya keeps complaining about my internet connection. I have to say, when I ping, it takes a long time before it starts to respond (approx 15 seconds), so maybe the ouya gives up to soon (approx 3sec).

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You need to get that down to way below 15 seconds. I also think that’s the problem.

ConnectionTestFragment.CheckForActiveNetwork::run waits for 5 seconds until it sees the connection as failed.

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I tested your

on another ouya and got the message that the connection to is refused.

There is an error! the .de between U and RL.
But those settings do not help getting around the connection error in the setup screen.

The main problem is that the official OUYA server is totally down now (DNS for cannot be resolved anymore), and that the connectivity check during setup tries to open a socket to on port 80, without taking the config file into account.

I found a way to get around that check without modifying router DNS settings, and this is by mapping the dead ouya hostnames directly on the OUYA in the /system/etc/hosts file:

  1. On your PC, run adb shell
  2. Type su to become the root user
  3. Make the system partition writable:
    mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP
  4. Open the hosts file:
    vi /system/etc/hosts
  5. Press the “down arrow” key until your are at the end
  6. Press i to get into “insert mode”
  7. paste/write that line:
  8. Press return to add a final newline
  9. Press escape
  10. Type :wq (commmand, write, quit)
  11. Press return to exit the vi editor

The connectivity check should work now without rebooting.

Also on


Sorry, just a typo in my post, doesn’t appear in the config file. Whit the ouya-world config it works but the it’s terrible slow. That’s why I wanted to test your server.

OK I will try this method.

I get this message, it’s dutch but I means it can’t find the IP.

Deze site is niet bereikbaar

Het IP-adres van de server van kan niet worden gevonden.


Reset the DNS entry of your router to the default. Also let your OUYA use DHCP again if you used a static IP, so that it gets the normal DNS server again.

Works like a charm! Thanks for this. On this ouya your server works OK. I will check what’s wrong with the other one.

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Hi folks. First of all many thanks for your efforts to keep the little box of fun alive :slight_smile:

[1-sentence summary]
I can’t get past the network connection screen of the OOBE.

[What should be happening]
I should be able to get to the regular menu.

[What is happening]
I cannot get past “Cannot establish a connection with the OUYA Servers. To turn on Wi-Fi, unplug your Ethernet cable and proceed. To retry ethernet, please check your connection and then unplug and re-plug your cable.”

[What I’ve tried already]
I ran CM11 for a while and followed https://www_s-config_com/uninstall-cyanogen-and-restore-ouya-firmware/ just fine. Afterwards I followed the instructions here.

ADB seems to work:

X:\Users\marce\Downloads\ouya>adb shell getprop ro.ouya.version

1|shell@android:/ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
— ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 999ms

1|shell@android:/ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=40.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=39.7 ms
— ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 39.789/40.125/40.462/0.391 ms

Thus, as presently seems unavailable (reproduced on Windows) I edited the hosts file:

shell@android:/ # cat /etc/hosts localhost devs.ouya_tv status.ouya_tv
shell@android:/ # cat /system/etc/hosts localhost devs.ouya_tv status.ouya_tv
shell@android:/ # ping status.ouya_tv
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from devs.ouya_tv ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=40.3 ms
64 bytes from devs.ouya_tv ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=40.2 ms
— status_ouya_tv ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 40.253/40.320/40.387/0.067 ms
shell@android:/ # ping devs_ouya_tv
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from devs_ouya_tv ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=41.9 ms
64 bytes from devs_ouya_tv ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=38.6 ms
— devs_ouya_tv ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 38.665/40.292/41.919/1.627 ms

These ping as well on Windows and the respective pages load in the browser, too

One weird thing I noticed is that the screen always shows as the subnet mask, even with a /24 mask entered manually. This persists through reboots.

adb netcfg shows
eth0 UP 0x00001043 b8:5a:f7:01:60:clock730:
so that should be fine…

I even tried the ettercap method (with and without hosts modified):

Activating dns_spoof plugin…

dns_spoof: A [devs_ouya_tv] spoofed to []
DHCP: [B8:5A:F7:01:60:73] DISCOVER
DHCP: [B8:5A:F7:01:60:73] REQUEST
dns_spoof: A [devs_ouya_tv] spoofed to []
dns_spoof: A [status_ouya_tv] spoofed to []


Activating dns_spoof plugin…

DHCP: [B8:5A:F7:01:60:73] REQUEST
DHCP: [B8:5A:F7:81:56:D7] REQUEST
dns_spoof: A [status_ouya_tv] spoofed to []
dns_spoof: A [devs_ouya_tv] spoofed to []

Always the same - “Checking for active connection”, then “Checking for software update” and finally “Please check your internet connection and try again. [OK]”

In paranoid mode I disconnected the keyboard and disabled bluetooth on other deives in the room.
The only connections on the OUYA are power, network and HDMI.

Unfortunately I can’t edit DNS on my router - it doesn’t have that feature.

I have a pi acting as NAS that I can run some stuff on if needed.
I’m really at my wits end here - is it possible to replace the OOBE APK maybe?

edit: [URLs broken with '_; due to limitation for new users]

Thanks for the descriptive issue. Note: is that It does not reply to public ping, but powershell shows it running as normal:


Respone data:
StatusCode : 204
StatusDescription : No Content

Assuming that works fine and returns a 204, then you’re able to reach it fine.

On to your specific issue: Your hosts should be Not “status.ouya_tv”

Same for “devs.ouya_tv” which should be

Fix those and try it all again and tell us if its all fixed or not. Should be it though.